Now where is this heading? I'm having a go with Daler and Rooney acrylics who have very kindly given me some of their Acrylics I've never used the Heavy bodied before so the old pallette knife came out for a play. I'm quite impressed with them, they remind me of Oils, but with the added bonus of drying quicker.
Starting to take a bit of shape, why did I lay the Red down you may ask? Well I'm thinking of what colour will be in this area and what's the complimentary? I often find that putting a underbase helps.
Bluebell Wood
Nearly finished, it's getting close to that time of the year.
I would recommend these Acrylics they were lovely to work with and I only used primary colours
2 Blues, 2 Yellows and two Reds + Burnt Sienna and some White.
Sembri felice per la nuova esperienza e il risultato non è per niente male, anzi! Ciao.
You look happy for the new experience and the result is not too bad.
I think this is what Luigi said and yes I did really enjoy having a go with something new.
fun! and free paint..always a plus
Awesome thank you. I love acrylics and have used these very paints using my fingers they work well.
I like the first one...!
Beautiful painting Jane, I like what you've done with those paints.
Is this the painting for your new magazine article and when is it being published?
Hey Thanks for the comments, I'm looking forward to having another try with a different subject. The Bluebell Article in 'Leisure painter' I think is out around May 12th Dave, but it is another Wood!
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