Friday 4 July 2014

Geranuims in watercolour

I love Geraniums, they don't smell sweet and I always have to spell check them! But I have loved painting them for years, it starts well full of inspiration and ideas.But the little red devils catch me out everytime.
My first attempt of today didn't go well. The colours were to harsh and the tonal values were all wrong and Number One Art Critic declared the colour was wrong. I kindly asked if he would care to mix the suitable shade!
After thinking about what  went wrong, I tried again this afternoon with a much looser approach, I'm happier now, the colours still not quite right so a visit to the Red paint department is needed.

  Stage one

Cadmium Red hue, Cadmium Red deep, Lemon Yellow and  Phlalo Turquoise


Fancy painting in watercolors and not sure where to begin.

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