Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Easy Watercolours of Bluebells

Silver Birch and Bluebells
Painted in Watercolours
I promise the whole of May will not be filled with Bluebell paintings, but it is the month of these magical flowers that we love to paint.
I though I'd get a bit of practise in before next weeks course.
*Saunders Waterford High White was the paper and it was lovely to work on, I do recommend it.
* French Ultramarine and Permanent Rose mixed the perfect Bluebell colour.
*Lemon Yellow proved just right for mixes of Spring Greens along with hints of Winsor Blue. *Masking tape helped to keep the white of the paper on the Silver Birch.
This was just a small study but I think it would make a super large painting. Having a go on a smaller scale first, does give me more confidence and gives lots of ideas on techniques and colour mixing.
If you fancy learning more watercolour techniques and would like feedback on your own paintings  see my web site www.watercolourcourse.co.uk

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