
Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Painting titles

I think I'm nearly finished, but will have a another look tomorrow, I'm chuffed that it's all painted in watercolours and sticking again with a limited palette. The dog caused a bit of a commotion this afternoon, when it resembled a chimp on a lead, you don't get many of those to the pound up here in the woods in Keswick.So I'm thinking of a title:
 'A Walk in the wood' maybe 'Walking the dog' I quite like
'The falling leaves of red and gold' from and Eva Cassidy record
'Forever Autumn' I like this!
Or I could go for a classic U2 HIT 'October'
Definitly not going for 'Funky Gibbon'

'Ooo, ooo, ooo

Ooo, ooo, ooo, the funky gibbon'

Sorry for getting you to sing along!!!
I won't have too much Cadmium red tomorrow.

Lost in the wood

Started this piece yesterday, decided to use watercolours, then thought about the colours Winsor Blue, Cad Red, Permanent Rose ( this girl likes pink!)Aurelin and Burnt Sienna. Started with a piece of sketching paper, trying to get a composition going, but to no avail! So I skeched a line about 1/3 of the way up and this was my composition. I am working on a piece of stretched Arches 140 not paper using the Ken Bromley stretcher. So I threw some colour down gave it a bit of a spray and then tried to find my way through the wood! So today I'm hoping to find something magical in the elusive bottom left hand corner. I'll keep you posted.

Monday, 26 October 2009

Sketching walks around Keswick

Derwent Island perfect colours for an Autumn painting.

After grey skies and low cloud over the weekend it was great waking up to Blue skies and sunshine.What a joy! walking down to the lake with rucksack packed with paints and camera and no coat! It is an easy walk down to Calfe Close bay along the Lakeside and back along the Borrowdale Road walking along a tree lined bridleway and then up into Castlehead wood.

I love this little bay, with Stable hills cottage acting as a great little focal point.

I settled myself down at Calfe close bay for a quick sketch of Catbells with the Millennium stones in the foreground.

This is what inspired the sketch above and it was where I saw the Otter one day, but not today.

Fantastic colours, beautiful light and a few shadows all thrown in, I fancy having a go at this tomorrow.

This is the fourth Ashness Bridge in, I think 2 weeks.
It's also one of my online course projects so if you fancy having a go check out

Sunday, 25 October 2009

Windy days

Weekend weather in Keswick has been very Autumnal, I've twice walked up towards Walla Crag, and had to turn back with driving rain making it's way from Borrowdale. It is quite energising watching the rain blanket the fells, and make it's way towards you! So no painting was done, I'm hoping for a couple of dry days this week. I would like to go Tarn Hows but with the gusting wind blowing all those golden leaves off the branches, Tarn Hows may not be in all it's glory! Lets see.
Before the rain came, the path up towards Walla Crag.

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Keswick Launch used by Lakeland art courses

A greyish day today in Keswick. I had a little walk up towards Walla crag, wished for a touch of sunshine to bring the leaves to life, but as you can see below the rain clouds came quickly from down the valley. Moving to Keswick from a biggish town made me appreciate watching the weather change. A favourite saying in Keswick is 'if you can see Skiddaw it's going to rain and if you can't then it's raining'.

Rain clouds approaching

The rain is coming!!!
Can you make out the Launch on Derwentwater(click on photo to see the Launch).I love going on the Launch it's a great way to see the beauty of the Lake and surrounding hills.I try to always use the Launch on my Keswik courses to go to different painting locations.You can get a round the lake ticket or just get off at one of it's 6 stops and walk along the shore or venture up Catbells. It leaves Keswick every 1/2 hour and even runs through winter on a weekend. Father Christmas even goes for tour round a few weekends in December.We went to a wedding celebration once which was great fun.

This is the same view 1st day of June, but it's great seeing different moods and days.

Monday, 19 October 2009

Autumn Watercolour workshop

Derwentwater by Jane Ward
A great day on Saturday in the Lakes the sun shone and the leaves are turning beautiful shades of gold, red and yellow.Rain showers and low cloud Sunday and Monday.The watercolour workshop was a great sucess, it amazes me when people who have barely painted before produce a lovely watercolour. I'm finding that the weekend workshops are proving popular, with small groups it's quite one to one tutition and going over the techniques throughout the weekend  builds up lots of confidence. I'm organising another weekend for Feb 2010 it seems ages away but I'm sure it will soon come round!

Thursday, 15 October 2009

Matilda in Italian

Here is my perfect breakfast, I'm getting to be a bit of a coffee snob, or maybe it's just that I've found a great place that does a cappuccino the way I like it, not too hot, nice and strong the milk stays frothy to the end and served in a feel good mug! Oh and a tasty pastry to go with it! I've been trying to learn the wonderful Italian language for a few years and at the moment I'm reading Matilda in Italian but with the English version close at hand. I'm hoping by the time I finish the book I will be Ronald Dahl Italian proficient!!

I had an easy morning, I've a Watercolour workshop this weekend which I've been preparing for this week. I'm going to demonstrate the painting below, as you can see it's got that Autumn feeling! Everywhere you look at the moment here in the Lakes is a joy of colour.

Stage 1 tree

Autumn Leaves watercolour by Jane Ward

Monday, 12 October 2009

Catbells from Friars Crag

Catbells and Friars Crag painted in pastel
The Lakes are turning into a real bonnie picture, with the sun out, the fells look like they are coated with warm shades of velvet. With the sun lower at this time you get great shadows showing the shapely contours of mountain ridges. Much better for budding artist to paint. Canadian geese are still flying low over the lake, hooting loudly to each other as they fly by.
Friars Crag is one of my favourite outside painting locations and I've painted here may times under the big tree.

Saturday, 10 October 2009

Ashness bridge revisted

Here are two unfinished paintings of famous 'Ashness bridge' painted from a different angle. The classic shot is usually taken from the other side of the bridge with panoramic views of Skiddaw and Derwentwater. I got stuck both times on the front left hand side!!!

This was full imperial size I painted most of this on Wednesday with a lovely art group from Keswick, and again got stuck on the left hand foreground!!! This was 1/2 imperial size. I may have another go next week.

Misty tops and atmospheric clouds towards Coledale horseshoe

Evening light on Derwentwater

Friday, 9 October 2009

Proud as punch!

Autumn Walk painted in Acrylics
It's been an hectic week getting ready for my exhibition, a watercolour workshop on Wednesday and trying in vain to paint 'Ashness bridge' 3 times!! Once I'd started couldn't stop even though I kept thinking it's not going to plan!! But then today we got the exhibition up and organised which looks great seeing all your paintings together and framed up is a proud moment.I then heard that my article was also out in this months 'Leisure painter' and guess what !!! I'm on the front cover proud as punch!! Here's a link to the magazine

p.s I will put Ashness bridge photo's on tomorrow

Monday, 5 October 2009

Ashness bridge painting.

Beautiful day in the Lakes, the light is just magical with a slight chill in the air. Couldn't resist nipping up to Ashness bridge, I painted it last week but had a look at the finished painting today and thought I could do better. So I'm on with the 2nd Ashness Bridge this time on full imperial size, its going well up to now! Walking back from the bridge I had a quick look over the Lake, obviously to check it was still there!
I might put a little more water in the beck,I like the light in the grassy verge, and the bracken catching the sun.
It was and what a view, I do believe that Borrowdale is one of the most beautiful valleys in the Lakes. I made my 1st 'Tattie pot' today, this is a proper Cumbrian dish using Lamb, Black pudding, turnips, carrots and sliced potato on the top and cooked in the oven for ages.

Sunday, 4 October 2009

Above Windermere

One of the things about been self -employed you can pick which day you would like the weekend to be. The weather choose Thursday, it promised a sunny day with no winds and it was right! Another plus the fells and roads would be quieter so we would be able to get a car park easier.One of the joys about doing the 'Wainwrights' you discover areas of the Lakes that you wouldn't normally go to. I had never heard of Sallows and its sister fell Sour fell it promised views down Windermere and the surrounding hills. After 15 minutes of walking I came across this Foxglove, now I thought it was Autumn but obliviously this little foxglove had other ideas.This is a classic south lakes view with more rolling hills, twee villages and craggy mountain tops.I do live in a beautiful part of the world.

This shows the beauty and length of Windermere and it's tiny Islands.

This view and walk inspired the painting below.

Oh I couldn't resist this little Herdy! he looks like a Kiddies toy sheep with wheels. This one is for Ben who was slightly sarky about my recent Sheep photo's, but all in good humour! Over a fantastic Indian meal at Mik and Alisons last night.
'Above Windermere' painted in watercolours on Arches paper and inspired by a beautiful walk on a glorious sunny day Here's a link to Bens Blog Mik and Alisons Web site