
Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Painting titles

I think I'm nearly finished, but will have a another look tomorrow, I'm chuffed that it's all painted in watercolours and sticking again with a limited palette. The dog caused a bit of a commotion this afternoon, when it resembled a chimp on a lead, you don't get many of those to the pound up here in the woods in Keswick.So I'm thinking of a title:
 'A Walk in the wood' maybe 'Walking the dog' I quite like
'The falling leaves of red and gold' from and Eva Cassidy record
'Forever Autumn' I like this!
Or I could go for a classic U2 HIT 'October'
Definitly not going for 'Funky Gibbon'

'Ooo, ooo, ooo

Ooo, ooo, ooo, the funky gibbon'

Sorry for getting you to sing along!!!
I won't have too much Cadmium red tomorrow.


  1. looks good Jane, how about 'Golden Promenade'?

  2. Oh, not the funky gibbon! Any of the above would be great. The painting is beautiful Jane.
