
Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Keswick Launch used by Lakeland art courses

A greyish day today in Keswick. I had a little walk up towards Walla crag, wished for a touch of sunshine to bring the leaves to life, but as you can see below the rain clouds came quickly from down the valley. Moving to Keswick from a biggish town made me appreciate watching the weather change. A favourite saying in Keswick is 'if you can see Skiddaw it's going to rain and if you can't then it's raining'.

Rain clouds approaching

The rain is coming!!!
Can you make out the Launch on Derwentwater(click on photo to see the Launch).I love going on the Launch it's a great way to see the beauty of the Lake and surrounding hills.I try to always use the Launch on my Keswik courses to go to different painting locations.You can get a round the lake ticket or just get off at one of it's 6 stops and walk along the shore or venture up Catbells. It leaves Keswick every 1/2 hour and even runs through winter on a weekend. Father Christmas even goes for tour round a few weekends in December.We went to a wedding celebration once which was great fun.

This is the same view 1st day of June, but it's great seeing different moods and days.

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