
Friday, 29 April 2016

Watercolour course for Intermediate

An online watercolour course for Not total beginners, ideal for those who have dabbled a little bit, or had a break from painting and want to get back into this wonderful medium.

This is my second course of six projects, each different with many handy tips on techniques and colour mixing. For those that enjoy landscape painting, I'm sure you will enjoy, find it challenging,   the personal feedback is a big help with extra hints on improving your work and any questions you have on materials and painting techniques.

At £55.00 for the course which includes, sketches, colour tags, step by step guidelines and photographs of every stage. If you fancy joining the online watercolour course just send me an email 

Ullswater Daffodils the 1st project.

Above Windermere with soft muted colours and atmosphere.

Famous Tarn Hows in Winter painted with a limited palette

Buttermere, painting reflections and warm hues of Winter.

A classic Bluebell Wood, Spring shades and colour mixing for the Beautiful Bluebells

Latest Reviews

I thoroughly enjoyed this project the colours were lovely. I have had to adjust them slightly to fit with the colours I have. Carol

 Looked a bit intimidating initially but I felt happier once I got the sky out of the way. Enjoyed it after that. Interesting colour combinations. John

Here is my latest attempt. I have learned quite a bit doing this painting. Not least that you can be too generous with masking fluid! Josanne

Once again 2 versions ended up being not too bad. Far from perfect but I'm having fun doing them. Will be practising trees over the next few days - they are definitely over worked. Chris

 I  use too much water sometimes and end up with a bloom where I don’t want it! Any tips?  Anyway, I enjoyed doing the painting and look forward to your comments! Sally
Please find attached my second attempt. Went ok until I got to the trees across the lake which started to look like a large bush. Also had problems with the reflections which I muddled through a bit. This one I found harder with lots going on and new skills to pick up etc.John
I have to say that your course has really helped me focus on small steps.  The tendency can be to dive off in all directions with different techniques and subjects and buying new equipment when all that is needed is a few colours and brushes, some decent paper and a bit of know how. I am enjoying it very much. Chris

 I had lots of fun with this because of the bright colors and it was liberating to just splash the paint on and watch it do its magic. Thanks Debbie

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