
Thursday, 24 March 2016

Spring watercolour flowers in the Lake District

So wonderful to be back in Grasmere this week. Four days of watercolour flowers, Spring does produce some beauties. A  big bunch of pink, purple and white Tulips, a spray of muted pink Roses, sweet  scented blue Hyacinths and ruby red Anemones that didn't enjoy the Kirkstone pass car journey.

My fellow artists inspired every day, tried new techniques with glee never lost the way or muttered negative murmurs. We enjoyed many hours in the brightly lit studio nestled in the gardens. Plenty of tea and coffee on hand, and lots of kind support, when flowers didn't behave appropriately on the paper .

An afternoon spent in peaceful tranquillity in the famous Dora's field, with softly singing  Bluetits and Robins. English daffodills sitting proudly together, gently bending and all looking towards Rydal lake.

No great masterpiece by myself, but lots of experimenting and totally enjoying the feel of paint heavy on the sable brush. My fellow artists painted some inspiring pieces that were greatly admired. Thank you for a truly wonderful watercolour time.

My next four day course based at the Glenthorne Hotel in Grasmere will star 'Bluebells ' painting on location around Rydal water and also plenty of demonstrations in the studio. I do have a couple of spaces still available, if you fancy coming along  or send me an email for more information.

Dora's  daffodils 

Daffodil magic


Spring Tulips

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