
Sunday, 21 September 2014

Painting clouds in Oils

 Painting en plein is not easy. It is very enjoyable, and you see so much more than looking at a photograph but there are factors that you need to considerate.Getting the equipment set up in front of 'the view' I then feel at one with nature and ready to capture.
I am a little fussy about light and so looking out and seeing the Aguile look just right, the oil paints were grabbed and I started on a colourful canvas I had previously given an underbase.
Looking up all the time and then placing colour, looking up again trying to figure out the rock formations. Clouds started to roll around playing hide and seek with the mountain peaks. So I started following suit. Succumbing and softening clouds over the too bright sky. I was now starting to speed paint and then looking up to see all the view was lost behind a mass of cloud!

Clear Blue skies I thought. Why didn't I notice the clouds rolling in. But it does make a more atmospheric scene.

I thought I would paint this view so much, but instead I just sit and watch it change every minute. It's more entertaining  than  TV especially when a storm is brewing, the colours of the clouds and light on the mountains can be so dramatic.
But as the cloud came completing down today, the brushes had to be put down for another day.

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