Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Step by Step Oil

Stage One Aguille Verte

Thought I'd give the Arches Oil paper another whirl. Still a little undecided on the surface. Blocked in quite madly with complementary shades of colour. I do like to have some bright primaries underneath, these seem to shine through later on like little Gems!!

Stage and Day Two.
Starting to shape the mountain, trying to forget it's a piece of flat paper. I want to give it more dimension and shape. The paper worked better the next day, I felt like it dried and soaked in too fast on day one.

Stage and Day three

Starting to put a little detail in, trying not to overwork and get too fussy. Not sure on what to do with the sky and mist, so I'm leaving it to dry for a few days, and hopefully will have a thunderbolt moment!!

Heard a few Bells outside the window, look who was running down the street.

The Watercolour course for Budding artists

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