
Thursday, 30 January 2014

Red Pepper and Clementines painted in watercolours

Red Pepper and Clementines watercolour sketch

I love painting snow, but this morning I looked out and it was a little grey and flat.
After a visit to the supermarche, I had something to paint and tea was organised.

The shops are full of these juicy Clementines from Spain, and it's a bit like the tomatoes, they have five or six varieties to choose from here in France.

Having an hour to play with some paint is perfect to get the sketch pad out. 
There is no pressure on the painting been a masterpiece, just experiment and have fun.

I quickly sketched the shapes in pencil, took a note of the direction of light.
Straight in with the number 8 rigger brush Cad Yellow and Red mixed perfectly together for the Clementine's. 
The Onions were next Raw Sienna with a touch of Permanent Rose. The joy of a still life is having the subject right there to figure out colours and tones.

I then decided on some shadows while the washes were still just wet.
The Giant Pepper was next Cad Red and Burnt Sienna,
 a touch of mixed green for the complementary stalk.

And eh presto.

Now it's time for tea, and chopping up the pepper, it seems a bit cruel!

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