
Friday, 28 June 2013

Daises and Buttercups in a Jam Jar in Watercolours

From Buttercups in a jam jar, here are Daisies in a Jam jar, well two daisies!
Stretched on Arches watercolour paper.
Colours used Winsor Violet, Ultramarine Blue, Permanent Yellow, Danial James Phthalo Turquoise and English Red Ochre and a touch of Permanent Rose of course.

I applied very wet washes of neat Permanent Yellow to the Daises and buttercups.
I let the turquoise mix run into the yellow on the paper for the stems.
A watery mix of Winsor Violet with a hint of Permanent rose was used for the lovely puple flowers I have yet to name!
Ultramarine and Permanent rose was used in a very transparent wash on the white petals of the Daises

The jam jar was painted with all the above washes, I tried to leave patches of white in places .
A damp brush was used to take out colour for, the water level in the jam jar and also some of the stems inside the jar.
A shadow colour was applied using Winsor Violet and a touch of Ultramarine.

Buttercups and Daisies in a Jam Jar

9 x 9 inches


  1. I recently found your blog. I love this picture!! gorgeous!

  2. Hi Rebecca, thank you for the lovely comment.
