
Monday, 10 December 2012

The secret Pink

Stage one

The sky is painted wet in wet but leaving Catbells dry. Note how strong the sky seems in comparison with the paintings below? This is because the paint is still very wet and can dry up to 20% lighter, something the watercolour artist should be aware of.

Stronger shades of Burnt Sienna mixed with my secret Pink, for the foreshore trees. I use the side of a Isbey brush for broken foliage or scree marks on the fells, note how far back the brush is held.

Catbells and Derwentwater
Size 20 x 13 inches

So this is my finished Catbells and Derwentwater painting that I will be demonstrating on Wednesday.
I do always like to have a practise run before painting in front of a big group. The funny thing is sometimes the demo piece is much better than the pre painted thought provoking piece! 
Can you guess my secret Pink weapon? It's Opera Rose why because it's Semi transparent compared to Permanent Rose and because of this it seems to be a slower runner! I have more control of the mix

If you fancy joining my online watercolour course or a  perfect gift 
for an inspiring artist

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