
Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Morning light, Derwentwater

Stage One
 Morning Light Derwentwater painted Oil on Board
 Size 24 x 24 inches 
I used a limited palette Winsor Blue, Yellow and Red ,Permanent Rose, and Unbleached Titanium Dioxide.
I enjoyed laying a primary undercoat under the trees and along the shore where I also tried to achieve some texture. With this lovely warm weather we are having in the Lakes the paint dried really well overnight.

Stage Two

So today, I started to lighten up the view and bring out the sunshine, I'm not finished yet, but thought I would share where I'm up to. I found the painting quite a challenge especially the trees, which still need a little more work. I tried 'tonking'  placing paper on top of wet paint to to remove overworked areas. This helped.! Then we I overworked again, I tried softening with a clean brush, again this worked well. I think painting in the warm sunshine stopped the painting getting to wet.
 Tomorrow I'm hoping to start to pull it all together.

The Online watercolour course with Jane Ward


  1. Amazing Jane, I don't know how you do it, but the water gets me everytime - I feel like I could put my hand in it. You have a real gift.

  2. Hi Kathryn, Many thanks for your kind comments they mean such a lot and do help to keep me on a positive note.
