
Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Carzone, Monta Isola

Stage 1 watercolour of Carzone on Monta Isola full imperial size

Stage 2 starting to get there, but much more needed!

Gosh I really do feel like I've painted a full village, thought I'd show you how it's coming along!
Still needs lots of work, I've those bushes in the front to chop down, a  couple of fresco's to paint on the church, and that's before trying to sort out the Lake. I'll keep you posted on this special tiny hamlet.
Tried to google it but nothing came up, so I'll just tell you what I know.
Carzone is a tiny village on Monta Isola  in Lake Iseo. The ferry runs frequently from Sale Marasino, there are a couple of small trattoria's, a small cafe to watch the world go by. I think there are two churches and a fruit seller that comes on Wednesday and Fridays. Oh can't forget the little boy playing football with an Italian football shirt and GOLD trainers.


  1. hi jane thanks for visiting my blog ...the lake is beautiful setting for your lakeside workshop ..will enjoy seeing how you develop your painting ... i stayed there over 20 years ago ... did you eat at gallo rossa osteria ? ...i've lived in italy for 15 years now .

  2. Ogni volta una nuova immagine, un tripudio di colori, si sente che ami questo posto e che volentieri inviti altri a visitarlo. Ciao e alla prossima. Luigi.

  3. Thank you Jane and Luigi, it is a beautiful setting, which makes the painting easy and at times very difficult.I am looking forward to visiting again very soon and spending time in Italy. I will have to check out to see if Gallo Rossa is still there.
