Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Lost in watercolours

Sunny skies today in Keswick and with a sprinkling of snow on the hill tops much better than the grey dismal days we had over the weekend. I'm sure sometimes it affects my painting moods! I've been  more focused today, and I'm half way through a Friars Crag watercolour, which is behaving  better than the Grange in Borrowdale!! Which is 1/4 painted and looks like it's heading to the bin! I do think that with watercolour you need to know in which direction your going before you set off on the journey or you get a bumping ride and get lost!! and there's nothing worse than been lost in a watercolour and getting to the crossroads and not knowing which road to take. So today I broke off early with good vibes about my painting session and headed down to Calfe close bay and along the beautiful lakeside, chattering none stop to my fellow companion

The Famous Friars Crag

Jaws of Borrowdale

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