Sunday, 12 December 2010

Winter Art Exhibition at Moot Hall Keswick

Skiddaw in Winter
Watercolour by Jane Ward

Well all the snow has gone, just a few slithers left on some of the tops and in a few crevices. But before it disappeared so fast. I started painting this on Wednesday with  the Keswick Monthly class. Here's the ingredients and method.
Permanent Rose, Winsor Blue, Burnt Sienna and a touch of Naples Yellow.
1. One week of gazing at Skiddaw, watching the snow laying thick on the fell sides.
2. One week of walking to the Lake to see the freezing conditions.
3. A walk to an enthusiastic art class in -8 degrees.

Must mention that I've my Winter Exhibition coming up at
Moot Hall, Keswick
On Tuesday 28th Wednesday 29th and Thursday 30th December
For more information

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