
Tuesday, 24 August 2010

Lakeland Art Courses on Radio Cumbria

You never know what's going to happen, I was sketching quietly enjoying the Grand Canal, a little Zucchero on the ipod, cup of coffee going cold. The phone rings and it's Steve from Radio Cumbria, 'Hi Jane do you fancy doing a real easy bit LIVE on the radio' Oh no I can't do live, I can barely put my words together. Anyway I said yes of course, so 2.45 was Live time in Lakeland Art Course world. A few comforting words from 'Fern' the DJ, then we are Live in 30 seconds!!!!!!!! It's amazing what runs through your head, luckily the Black Labrador across the road popped up in the window, so I had something to focus on.
So how was it? Like waiting for your turn at the dentist chair, But Fun, nerve shaking, frantic but did it.

Now I don't know how this painting is going, it's had a lot to cope with and looks like it's in Pisa and not Venice, but hope to rebuild it tomorrow.

I think you can listen again on the iplayer, I'll pop a link if I can

This should be an active link for 1 week!! I'm on at 44 minutes and 33 seconds !!!

It will make you smile


  1. Hi Jane it is a great idea to walk/wander/cycle with your drawing kit close at hand. Inspired by your classes (no doubt the fiver is on its way :-}) I have been trying to do some quick pen & ink sketches while out walking my dog, Kyle. Over the past few months this has gone on to be quick sketches but now with "a bit" of colour thanks to some Derwent water colour pencils and a water brush. Its great fun to do.

    Just listened to you on the radio, what a wonderful plug for Keswick and just a little mention of your Lakeland Art Courses. Well done Jane.

  2. Hi Dave,many thanks for your kind comments, pleased to hear you and Kyle got out with the paints it is addictive once you start and the time just flies by.

