
Thursday, 22 July 2010

Derwentwater Watercolour


by Jane Ward
Just a quick blog today, we had beautiful sunshine for approx five glorious hours yesterday, it really felt like Summer was coming back! But no today is chilly,cloudy and looks like it's going to rain any moment.Hard to believe we have a hose pipe ban, when Tuesday the campsite flooded! But it's being great getting into a painting, I really enjoyed painting 'Derwentwater' watercolour, it was mostly painted from memory, as it's a walk I often go on down to the lake. I've an exhibition at Moot hall, Keswick from Mon 26th to Wed 28th July so if anyone is nearby come and say hello.


  1. I just love this painting and I know exactly where you were when you painted it . Marvellous

  2. Carissima, le tue atmosfere sono straordinariamente limpide e serene. Ciao e buona estate.

  3. Thanks Ralph and Luigi for your kind words of encouragement, and have a great Summer too Luigi, I'm sure Italy is having more Sunshine!
