
Friday, 12 March 2010

Painting at Grasmere

I've been painting this on and off all week, it started on Tuesday, I was a bit lost and not sure where I was going, then it started coming together on Wednesday with the trees in the middle distance, the boats sailed in on Thursday and a few hours today was painting ripples. I kept to a pretty small pallette Cobalt Blue is still flavour of the month Winsor Yellow and I tried a new colour, Magnesium Brown instead of Burnt Sienna, It mixed some nice darks and also some earthy greens. I've painted here beside the 'Tea Garden' many times usually with a Hot Chocolate with ginger in to keep me inspired and warm! It really is a beautiful tranquil spot and this is what I wanted to come across in the painting.


  1. I think this painting really turned out well. I love your slideshow too. Makes me want to get back to watercolors..

  2. Hi Kay,

    Thanks for your kind comments,you must get back to watercolour fun!

  3. Continuo a scrivere in italiano, ho studiato un po' di inglese ma non potrei scriverlo, nemmeno mi piace usare il traduttore automatico, a volte cambia molto il significato. I tuoi acquerelli sono pieni di luce e di gioia, trasmettono serenità e la tua costanza nel dipingere all'aperto (aiutandoti con cioccolato e zenzero...) è ammirevole. Capisco bene la soddisfazione che ne ricavi. Ciao e buon fine settimana.

  4. I think this is what Luigi wrote!I continue to write in Italian, I studied a bit 'of English but I could not write it, I like to use the automatic translator, it sometimes significantly alter the meaning. Your watercolors are full of light and joy, convey serenity and your perseverance in painting outdoors (with the help of chocolate and ginger ...) is admirable. I well understand the satisfaction that proceeds. Hello and good weekend.
