Thursday, 3 December 2009

Moot Hall Painting Exhibition

Autumn Morning, Derwentwater SOLD
Set Moot Hall Exhibition up today, takes a bit of organising, but it's great seeing all the paintings together. I tend to man (or woman) the exhibition myself and it's always interesting hearing people's comments about the paintings or what and where they are of, or just talking about  Good old 'Art'.  I had a  lady in today who loved my new Tarn Hows, she was going there tomorrow and had scattered her husbands ashes here a few years previous. It's times like that when you are really moved to see how someone reacts to a piece you have painted.Here's one of my favorite paintings of the exhibition, I wonder if it's my favourite because it was the last one painted! It's of Derwentwater and it's a full imperial piece, so very daunting to work on.

1 comment:

Dave from Keswick said...

... and it was a great exhibition ~ as always.
