
Tuesday, 8 September 2009

Sausage dogs and beach sketches

Here are a couple more photo's from Alghero, I'm back in the Lakes now and the weather is not quite Sardinia standard.We had a lovely relaxing time the sun shone everyday, the food was glorious and I managed to get some good material for paintings for my next exhibition in October at Moot Hall, Keswick.It's a lovely feeling coming back my fingers are itching to get back into painting. I fancy having a go with Acrylics and maybe some Gouache but we will see. I did go to Alghero with the idea that it could be a painting holiday venue, but on reflection I think it's too busy, a bit too hot, the watercolour would dry in seconds and too big a resort. It made me realise what a little gem Lake Iseo is with it's beautiful scenery, friendly local Italians and a painting round every corner.
The main port area of Alghero, always bustling with locals chatting, tourists enjoying Authentic Red Indians playing pipe music fully clothed in war dress and the Lemoncello take away bar to name a few.

Colourful boats in a turquoise clear sea.

A quick sketch from the sandy beach across to old Alghero. The Customs officers could not make out my little palette and had it scanned 3 times. I was more interested at the time watching a cute sausage dog have it's lead and collar removed and did wonder if it would run through the xray machine, but no it was carried through.

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