
Monday, 13 April 2009

Kitchen sink

Not a soul in sight, or so you think this is part of the Coledale horseshoe, a classic Lakeland 'round' I've done it a few times starting with a slog up Causey Pike along to Sail and then up to the crest of Grizdale Pike and then back all the way to the village of Braithwaite and on a beautiful Easter Sunday with perfect weather I think these fells could be a wee bit crowded!
So choosing not to walk, I went fishing with Nigel, taking everything but the kitchen sink, 3 books( one Italian language, bird spotting book and the latest novel that I'm reading) watercolour paints, sketch book, binoculars, picnic and a rug oh I forgot camera of course, I do so like to travel light! and not get bored. Sitting next to the river enjoying the sunshine, I kept a good look out for a Kingfisher, but it was the grey wagtails that caught my attention, and the swallows catching the thermals, but I did think that I caught a flash of the Kingfisher and heard it's distinctive chirp.

Drove down to Grasmere to see the art exhibition this morning, it looks good there was an artist from Windermere that I had not seen before her watercolours were lovely and fresh with lots of white paper left. I came back to the Keswick Museum exhibition to find that my 'bowling' painting had sold yippee, it is a fantastic feeling


  1. Beautiful scenery, we love walking around the dark peak area of the Pennines but would love to spend some time in the Lake District.

  2. Thanks for sharing your beautiful part of the world. Congrats on your painting selling!
