
Sunday, 11 January 2009

Nasty Day

Sitting here in a stormy cold and rainy Lake District I wondered what to paint, and thought this view of Grasmere would transport me to sunny warmer days. It's quite a difficult picture to paint with lot's of trees!! Reflections, a building and a little action with the rowing boat. Thinking about this picture I'm going to keep my horizon line at about 1/3 this will allow me to have a good space for the sky, but this could be painted without a sky!! Tackling the trees will be fun, but been aware of keeping the distant trees more blurred, blue and Grey's. I will put the building in because it's in a good position and also causes a nice reflection in the water. The rowing boat is great especially with the red jacket this breaks up all the greens and of course is a complementary colour for all those trees!! If you fancy having a go please do email me the painting I would love to see it, I'm going to tackle it over the next couple of days and will blog the result.


  1. Aha, why haven't I found your blog before? Cool..!

    I'll look forward to the follow up post for this one.


  2. Many thanks, I'm looking forward to the follow up too, the 1st stage is looking not good!!!
