
Sunday, 21 August 2011

Pocade Box goes fishing

The first outing of the Pochade box took place this morning. A trip down to the bottom of the Lake, well not exactly, maybe the southern end. This is where Nigel thought the pike would be lurking!! So he was armed with spinning rod, while I felt like Turner with my new equipment.After sorting out a tangled line, not a good start we soon relaxed I into painting and the fisherman into catching! I've not painted in Oils for about two years so it was quite a learning curve getting back into 'Fat over lean'. Missed not having any Winsor blue, but my new 'parchment white' did get some use. So what do I think to the the new box, well it performed very well, and is comfortable to carry.It really is amazing painting 'en plein' I saw a grebe, lots of ducks and nobody came over to offer advise on painting!
Oh you might wonder if we ate fish for tea tonight? Yes but Marks Spencer caught it, the top fisherman!
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Friday, 19 August 2011

Radio Cumbria listening to paint dry.

Here's a link to Radio Cumbria' listening to paint dry! I was so nervous, I managed to squeeze lemon yellow all over me, luckily the lake was close by to wash it off. But once we got going it was great fun, we had a few passers by have a go. Another painting holiday group wondered what was going on and gave suportive 'erms and ahhs'. I used only a few primary colours a touch of masking fluid on the posts, a waterspray and the old sponge made the trees look easy.

Have a giggle

Just checked the link and it starts at the beginning, If you don't want to listen to the full show, I'm on at about 1 hour 5 mins and again 1 hour 22 and I hour and 48 mins

I've been asked a few times about getting a Facebook page
if you fancy having a look here it is 

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

I've been asked to do something pretty frightening, well to me it is! What you might wonder, the butterflies jump into action just thinking about it. I'm painting live for Radio Cumbria from Derwentwater on Friday morning. I had a little recky this afternoon and it was packed down there! Holiday makers, ice creams, dogs, not many locals. They are hoping to link photo's with facebook, that's why you might notice the 'facebook link below. So between now and Friday I'm doing my headless chicken act and also head in sand act! I'll be in touch, by the way if you fancy joining my facebook 'Jane ward artist page' that would be great.
Derwentwater from the Launch

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Painting Catbells in watercolours

Catbells possibly the most famous fell around Derwentwater. But quite a difficult one to paint! This is one of my favourite views of it from the shore. I'm hoping to include this view and how easy it can be to paint on the next Outdoor Workshop. The colours will be brighter, not as much green with flecks of Autumn Oranges to complement soft Blue Green. Soft Blue Green now what colour is that 'Cobalt Blue with a touch of Raw Sienna ' maybe! I think we will have wonderful reflections of Catbells to paint, again nice and simple to paint and with just a few stones in the foreground to lead the eye through. So if you fancy joining my small group to paint Catbells and other famous Lakeland views the date for the diary is Sat 17th and Sun 18th September the price is £125, just email me for a booking form

Friday, 12 August 2011

Top ten art books

Here is a list of my top ten art reference books, they are not in any order. They are all chosen for different reasons, I have all of them except for David Curtis Oils, which I'm hoping to get soon. Starting with the John's ! Sargent, I love his work and the Sargent Italy shows some beautiful Oils, Yardley's super watercolours that could only have been painted en plein, his use of tones are fantastic. Next comes Hammond with super Acrylic cafe scenes. Nita Engle is the only lady!! but I've already thought of another lady who will join the  top 20 list. Nita's work is very different to the gentlemans much looser and she demonstrates some great techniques to loosen your work. Trevor Chamberlain I love his loose watercolours and also his use of colour in Oils. Lake Artist Society book is not a demonstration book but a wonderful history of Lakeland artists to sit down with over a cup of tea and slice of cake on a wet day. Look forward to hearing any comments on my top ten

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Pochade box review

Skiddaw from Portinscale's wild flower field

Towards Latrigg and can you see the dorm m? Only joking, I love this sort of view. Especially painted with Oils and using a palette knife for some of the grasses, some bright shades of Pink for the thistle heads would complement the green trees in the background. 
My Pochade box came yesterday, I'm delighted with it, I can't wait to use it, the view above would have been perfect. I've gone for a cheaper version as I'm unsure how much I will use it, after some research, some came in around £200 and upwards. So £38 from Ken Bromley seemed pretty cheap, but I did think that they wouldn't sell anything which would drop to bits. So what's it like.
Lightweight, this is without my gear in! The carry strap is adjustable and seems comfy to carry. Two boards measuring 12 x 10 fit smugly into the back, oil paper could be attached to the back of these for more sketch studies.  The box which holds the paints can be taken off completely leaving you with a carry box and easel for the boards. I wonder what the palette will be like as this is attached to the box, I tend to use tear off  palettes so I may use these instead of the wooden palette. I don't want to spoil it!! It looks very attractive, and seems to be very well made. I will let you know how the first trip out goes, it's a shame that today it's well how do I say 'more than raining!'
Here is a link to my Pochade box.


Friday, 5 August 2011

Copying artists work

Stage 2 Acrylic was applied first and then Pastel was applied on top, what I enjoy about this way of working most is leaving little glimses of bright acrylic shiwing through.

Nearly finished but not quite, I find it good to leave alone when I'm getting tired, and not keep working, even though it will be Monday before I can finish off.
I've had a couple of requests this week about other people copying my work and selling it. I find it a great honour for someone to want to copy my work,for personal use But not selling it under false pretenses. I personally love to be inspired and have a go at trying to capture it. I'm inspired when I go to exhibitions and galleries and see new colours and techniques but I like to put it into my own style.
Here is a link to a web site explaining more

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

New Gallery

Taken form the top of Newlands Pass, puffing and panting I nearly made the top on my bike but fell short with 50 metres to go. But it is a big pass, Keswick is in the very distance just before Blencathra. But what a classic bike ride, Newlands Valley is a painting round every corner, so it was an inspiring ride with thoughts of coming back with the paints! Maybe in the car! I've been busy otherwise this week updating the web site with more dates for watercolour weekends and next years courses. Why not have a look I've also added lots of new paintings to a gallery page on Lakeland art course web site I hope you enjoy having a look.